
Tuesday to Saturday:
8-course tasting menu ($398++)



Fridays & Saturdays:
6-course tasting menu ($248++)
8-course tasting menu ($398++)


 Beverage Pairings

Beverage ($268++)
Prestige ($568++)
Non Alcoholic ($168++)


*Here at Cloudstreet, we serve a tasting menu only and would recommend at least 3 hours for the complete culinary experience.


Tuesday to Saturday:
8-course tasting menu ($398++)



Fridays & Saturdays:
6-course tasting menu ($248++)
8-course tasting menu ($398++)


 Beverage Pairings

Beverage ($268++)
Prestige ($568++)
Non Alcoholic ($168++)


*Here at Cloudstreet, we serve a tasting menu only and would recommend at least 3 hours for the complete culinary experience.